Love brought you together, money is pulling you apart.

Financial coaching that helps you solve your money differences and get back to the relationship you had at the start.

My Service

Money is a leading cause of arguments and relationship breakdowns but it’s not surprising when we are never taught how to deal with it or how to talk about it.

The causes of the arguments about money may be because one of you in the relationship spends too much, or doesn’t want to spend anything. It might be that one of you earns significantly more than the other which causes resentment. The cause doesn’t matter, the fact is that you are arguing about money and you want it to stop.

At its most simple, money is a means to trade goods and services, but it is so much more than that. Wrapped up in money are emotions, beliefs and lessons, most of which we have brought with us as baggage from childhood. This baggage affects how we see money and how we use it.

And because it is so deep-rooted within us we struggle to see another way. It is therefore little wonder that money can cause arguments in relationships.

By giving you the time and space to understand where your and your partner’s money beliefs and behaviours are rooted you can begin to see things differently and improve your relationship with money and, most importantly, each other.

I provide 1-hour coaching sessions for couples. These can be one-off sessions or a series until you have overcome your money-related conflict. Sessions can be via Zoom or in-person but it is compulsory for both to attend, otherwise, what’s the point?

About Me

With over 20 years in financial services, including 15 as a financial planner I have had hundreds of conversations with people about their money.

Everyone’s relationship with money is different but they can be distilled into broad groups: the spenders, the savers, the frugal and those that are simply uncomfortable with it and talking about it.

As a qualified financial coach (CeFC) and financial planner, I have the skills and expertise to help you uncover the causes of your money-led relationship issues and find solutions so that your money is in alignment with what is important to you as a couple.

If you are looking for specific advice regarding particular aspects of your money (for example pension and investments) or if you want a plan for your money, visit my financial planning website, Neligan Financial.

Contact Me

Complete this form to start improving your relationship with money, and each other.
